Acklam Grange School
Jon Tait, Deputy Headteacher
This is his take on Class Charts and how the behaviour management software has helped Acklam Grange reduce fixed term exclusions from 4 per week to 2 in the whole of 6 months.
The staff here think it’s fantastic because it’s a huge time saving bit of software, which obviously is educational and we get to increase the quality and also reduce the time. It’s something we were always looking at.
For us the best part of Class Charts is actually the artificial intelligence that’s in there. So with behaviour score we can input behaviour but because it’s on a seating plan it knows which students are sat next to each other, so it can tell that John and Peter are 85% more likely to get a behaviour point when they’re sat together, whereas when they’re apart, in Science they’re less likely so that’s fantastic.
But also the time saving tools are being able to re-order your seating plans at a click of a button distribute your gifted and talented students, cluster your pupil premium students or re-organise your seating plans in groups based on behaviour scores.
We’re now, from a
It’s helped with
From an excluders point of view, about eighteen months ago we were about four exclusions a week on average, big school, fourteen hundred students, currently we’re now down to two exclusions so far this year, the whole year. And that is part of not only using Class Charts but the extra work that we’ve been doing but the reason that Class Charts has helped us pupil premium and with the analysis tool has been great. The analysis is fantastic and is so easy to do, with two or three clicks of a button you can get right to the detail of what’s happening in your school, it’s very easy. You can create progress reports and anyone can do that, whether it’s head of
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