New Features – February 2022

Parent/Carer account invitations directly from Class Charts You are now able so send email invitations to parents/carers to invite them to create their own Class Charts account directly from Class Charts. The parent/carer email address will come directly from SIMS, so...

Class Charts New Features – February 2022

Homework integration with Google Classroom We now have an integration with Google Classroom. Once teachers have published their homework in Class Charts, there will be an icon for Google Classroom. Clicking this opens a new, small window and offers a selection of...

Class Charts New Features

December 2021 Attendance Fire drill – now has the ability to display/print by house which will be useful for schools who work in vertical year groups. Along with all options being multi select, assisting with providing a fire drill report for 6th form pupils by...

Class Charts New Features July 2021

Wellbeing Allowing pupils to submit one way concerns  A new addition to the wellbeing module, you can now allow pupils to submit one way concerns directly to the school via their account. To enable this feature, please head to School Settings > Pupils & Parents...

Class Charts Wellbeing Surveys

Class Charts Wellbeing Surveys are now available with the wellbeing module. You are able to create customisable surveys to push out to pupils’ Class Charts accounts to get a wider understanding of how they are feeling, and focus on any troubled areas. Head to...