
Attendance and Detentions

Our Attendance and Detention modules now work together to help save teachers time by preventing automatic upscaling when a pupil has an authorised absence. Please click here for a detailed guide on how to set this feature up.

New Attendance Permission

Our reworked Attendance Permission makes it easier for schools to manage and keep track of who is changing Attendance marks and allows access to Attendance analytics and information. This permission is enabled by default for all School Admin users. Attendance admin holders will be able to view Parent Contact Details from the Display All page. Contact us for more information on how to pull through Parent Contact details. All staff with accounts will be able to take Attendance in lesson without the permission. For a detailed guide on what the Attendance Permission allows please click here.

Display All Grid Changes

Marking Specific Periods in Bulk

You are now able to mark specific periods in bulk from our Attendance > Display All grid. This allows users to mark out specific periods for specific pupils in bulk in the event of an exam or sporting activity that does not take place all day. For a detailed guide on this feature please click here.

New filters on Display All

The ‘Show All Pupils’ filter now contains two new options: ‘Show all pupils absent today’ and ‘Show unmarked pupils’.

Copy attendance from selected period to AM / PM when setting attendance in Display All and Pupil reports. AM mark given here will also populate all day if set to in settings.

When taking attendance for a period which copies to either AM or PM registration, the mark will automatically be copied to the AM or PM mark. If the mark is given for an AM period it will populate all day if set up to do so in School Settings. For a detailed guide on this feature please click here.

Today View

We have introduced a tick-box which allows users to view just ‘Today’ on the attendance grid. This allows you to focus on what is currently happening in your school on the day in question. For a detailed guide on this feature please click here

Fire Drill

All Class Charts Attendance module users now have access to the Fire Drill page. This can be accessed by clicking on the fire extinguisher in the top header bar. For a detailed guide on this feature please click here.

Missed Register Alerts – Today/This Week Options

When sending ‘Missed Register Alerts’, you now have the option to send reminders for the current day or the whole week. For a detailed guide on this feature please click here.

For more information or to request a demo on our Attendance Module please click here.

Teacher Timetable for Wonde and XoD schools

For SIMS schools using Wonde and XoD we now display the teachers timetable for that day. Clicking a lesson on the timetable will take the user to that lesson. To find out which integration type is in place for your school please go to School Settings > System Settings. To move over to Wonde or XoD please get in touch with us. For a detailed guide on this feature please click here.


Homework Changes

The homework calendar page has been split into 3 handy sections. We have our homework calendar, with the addition of a homework list view and a centralised template library.

The list view gives an overview of all homework set within the school, which can be searched and filtered. From here users are able to copy an existing homework to another lesson. This can also be done from the ‘View Homework’ tab within a lesson. Please click here for a detailed guide on copying homework to multiple lessons.

The templates view lists all templates created within the school that can be searched and filtered. Templates can be created/edited/deleted in this area as well as in lesson. Please click here for a detailed guide on our new templates section.

For more information on our Homework module please click here.

Wellbeing alerts

Our new Wellbeing Alerts allow the most relevant members of staff to be informed of Wellbeing submissions via email immediately. For more information on setting up this feature please click here.

For more information on our Wellbeing module please click here.

Tertiary Breakdowns for Analytics Reports

We have added a tertiary breakdown for our Behaviour, Detention and Wellbeing breakdowns. This feature will allow you to focus even more on the areas of monitoring in your school providing you with 74,000 additional report combinations. Please click on the hyperlinks above to view the guides.

Create Announcements from Lesson View

Users are now able to create announcements for their lesson in Lesson View. This will allow your staff to inform parents and pupils of information for their lessons via their Parent and Pupil accounts. For more information on enabling this feature please click here.