Delayed intelligence events

Class Charts introduces a new addition to intelligence events which automatically performs chosen actions when certain conditions have been met by students after a certain fixed time period. These are called delayed intelligence events and are designed to fire off at the end of either a calendar day, week, month or school year. For example if you wanted a student to be awarded an extra amount of points if they incur no negatives in one month, delayed intelligence events can do this for you. They can also notify staff, appear in the activity feed or if it is a result of bad behaviour, award a detention.


These are different to the other intelligence events that are already present in Class Charts which will perform the chosen actions immediately as soon as conditions of the event are met.


The delayed intelligence events are fantastic for rewarding long term good behaviour or conversely monitoring students who are badly behaved over a long period of time but not committing behaviour which is necessary of immediate action. It can be used to see who is deserving or not of prefect duties for example, if they have no negative behaviours over a month then they are potentially a better candidate than a student of a similar academic ability but does incur negative behaviour points during a month. The beauty of intelligence events is your school can customise them completely depending on what you want to know or reward.

For an in-depth look at setting up delayed intelligence events please follow this link

Or follow this link for a downloadable PDF guide

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