Improving behaviour is a big issue for schools – if students do not behave in the classrooms then teachers cannot teach and students cannot learn.

Class Charts is seating planner & behaviour management software that teachers use on a daily basis for seating charts & to track both positive and negative behaviour. The data is displayed in clear charts & these can be shared with both teachers and parents.

class behaviour report
The impact on behaviour in UK and USA classrooms has been astounding with regular feedback being given to the company about how the tool is helping to manage low level disruption.
The involvement of parents is hugely important in dealing with student behaviour and the parents receive weekly reports on their child’s progress.
The system also includes an artificial intelligence engine which intelligently suggests seating plan arrangements which will optimise learning and reduce behaviour issues.

Improve behaviour in school with Class Charts
A whole school version is available which connects with SIMS, Integris, Facility/Eportal and Powerschool and is proven to improve behaviour in schools. The whole school version also includes high level behaviour analytics so that SLT and Heads of Year can easily spot behaviour issues and put interventions in place to deal with them.