Torquay Academ Case Study
Class Charts Testimonial
Evan Pugh, Torquay Academy
Evan Pugh is the Vice Principal at Torquay Academy in the South West of England. He recently got in touch with us to discuss how Class Charts has improved
prompted you to look at Class Charts?
The reporting from SIMs was cumbersome and had to be set up by the admin support team. Low level behaviours were not being recorded , as they were not serious enough to record them on a student’s record.
We were using a different solution but it was not easy to change or responsive to changes in groups.”
Charts to solve?
We wanted a seating plan that was easy to use and responsive to the individual teachers needs. We wanted teachers and tutors to be able to monitor and analyse the behaviours within their groups. We wanted staff to be able to see the relationship between the praise and the behaviour points they were giving to ensure praise outnumbered the behaviour points. We wanted a system that was immediate and easy to access and use.”
plans based on the behaviour data at the touch of a button, so pupils sit with
others whom they work best with. Our praise to behaviour ratio is now 26:1″
What set us apart as a solution?
It gives Heads of Years real time reporting of behaviour events. It reduces the lack of administration over certificates for praise points and it automatically informs admin staff when these have been achieved.
Behaviour can be easily analysed in what ever way you want and provides graphical analysis which is easily understood by both teacher and pupils.”
Biggest impact in school?
We are able to identify classes which may have issues and put support in the class at the earliest opportunity to ensure all students make progress.”