We wanted to find a solution that would create a simple yet informative source of student information within the Classroom.
This needed to provide our teachers with a platform that would allow them to produce seating plans whilst being informed by key student attributes. It needed to record and report both achievement and behaviour for internal use and to communicate this with parents and carers. Essential to this was the integration with our Management Information System – SIMS.
We found the solution in Edukey – Class Charts. This provided us with all of the features needed to enable secure access to key student data quickly and in a format that satisfied our requirements for seating plans. We were also very impressed with the parent/carer interface that also allowed us to share student successes and keep parents and carers informed of potential concerns as they happen.
We were so satisfied with both the Class Charts product and the high quality sales and support service, that we have since also invested in Provision Map Writer to support intervention of many types for all students, Safeguard my School, ensuring we can securely capture, monitor and act upon any safeguarding intelligence and School Robins – a tool that supports feedback from all staff relating to a specific students’ needs.
Along our journey we have customised and adjusted Class Charts to suit the needs of the school as these change and develop. Following the introductory training, the admin and user interface is very intuitive, however the technical and customer support when required has been excellent.
For any school looking for a well designed, well supported product that has considered the needs of a busy school environment, I would urge them to review how Class Charts and other Edukey products can support them to achieve their goals.
Adam Hodgess Chartered FCMI
Data, Systems and Timetable Manager
Lipson Co-operative Academy
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