Behaviour Management I grew up in an era where the cane and corporal punishment were still used, although they were rapidly falling out of popularity. At junior school in the ‘70s, Mr Warren, the headmaster, would put you in a pair of ballet slippers if you kicked or...
Transforming behaviour with data Treorchy Comprehensive School in Wales has completely overhauled its approach to behaviour and wellbeing with the help of EduKey’s Class Charts software, as Rhiannon Davies, Assistant Headteacher, explains. Last year Treorchy...
The key to good behaviourWhen Ysgol Cwm Brombil needed easy-to-use software to support behaviour management, it turned to EduKey for the solution. Deputy head Eurig Thomas explains why.Like every school, Ysgol Cwm Brombil needed a proactive and constructive way to...
War Boards Class Charts are pleased to announce the arrival of our newest feature, War Boards. A War Board is a “Work, action, result” board which displays which of your students are currently below, behind or on track for their targets. It can also be...
Connecting Parents with Schools Class Charts has introduced a range of new features which are all about connecting parents with schools. Staff in schools can now :- Share detentions with parents Share intelligence events with parents Share notes with parents It...
Delayed intelligence events Class Charts introduces a new addition to intelligence events which automatically performs chosen actions when certain conditions have been met by students after a certain fixed time period. These are called delayed intelligence events and...