Data Traffic Lights One of Class Charts’ newest features is the introduction of a data traffic lights system. This new feature gives a visual representation of target data which is easy to create, intuitive and a great way of highlighting the progress...
Class Charts will make waves in American Class Room Management Our American friends may be aware of the US Department of Education’s Office for Special Education Programs. Conveniently known as OSEP, it has been created to ‘define, develop, implement, and...
Seating Plans for SIMS SIMS seating plans for SIMS are easy with Class Charts and we also connect up with Integris, CMIS, Progresso and Powerschool. By connecting with Capita SIMS or any other school management system it means that everything is automatically updated...
Seating plans for Ofsted Ofsted love seating plans! Seating plans, in particular ones that display key data about pupils are something that will help every teacher get through an Ofsted observation. They help the teacher identify which pupils need support and those...
CASE STUDY Seating plans at Bedminster Down School Pete Hallam, Deputy Headteacher and Jason Worlock, Network Manager Bedminster Down School were looking for a quick and easy way to create seating plans that show the important information that staff need to know. We...
CASE STUDY Seating Plan Software at St James C of E School Roy Coulson, Deputy Headteacher St James C of E School is judged “Outstanding” by Ofsted. They came on board with Class Charts because they needed seating plan software that is linked with SIMS. They were...